Here's one I've been drawing for a little over a week now. I've been working on it little by little building the detail up. Working on a 5 or 6 tone color version now I'll post it as soon as it's ready.
Prints now available at Society6
Shirts here!
Prints now available at Society6
Shirts here!
This is amazing, I would like to be able to draw this good one day.
ReplyDeleteHey Thanks a lot! (sorry it took so long to respond missed this somehow)
DeleteHello Adam.
ReplyDeleteFirst let me just say that I really love all of your drawings, they're fkn incredible.
I was just wondering if I'd be able to incorporate this drawing of yours into a tattoo I was planning on getting. The tattoo is a half sleeve of two astronauts who are forming or 'growing' out of the earth, w a third astronaut who has already formed and is floating up my arm. The tattoo is based on a bedtime story my mom used to tell when I was a child, and this drawing really embodies some of the images I remember imagining.
It would mean a lot to me if I could use your beautiful drawing, but if you'd rather I didn't use it I totally understand. Let me know!
Oh man you are too kind! Thanks for all the complements! You can absolutely use my draw but you have to send me a few pictures after you get it done. That sounds like an awesome bed time story, part of what pushed me to become an artist was the illustrations in the book my parents would read me when I was a kid, so it would be a huge honor to not only have my art on you body but to help realize that story for you. So just hit me up with some pics and if you post the pics on facebook or a blog or anything please credit me and link to my site. Thanks again this stuff means a lot to me.
DeleteTight, thank you so much I'll def let you know! I'm either going today or tmrw... Oh man thank you so much this is awesome
ReplyDelete- jay
Cool Coll can't wait to see it.
ReplyDeleteGot the tattoo. It's only the outline, I'll be going back to do the detail and shading later next week ... Thank you so so much. You can check it out at
Also, I'm planning on going back for a second half sleeve on the opposite arm in late August, and I was wondering if youd be interested in doing a few drawings of my ideas... Obviously I'd be willing to pay you for your time... Let me know! You're the man !
Looks great man can't wait to see it done.
Deletei got this tattoo'd
ReplyDeleteReally that's awesome I'd love to see some pics.
Deleteyea, i got this done too about a year ago! It's such a great drawing.
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DeleteCool Thanks it's a huge honor that someone would make a commitment like that to my work.
ReplyDeleteThis is crazy people keep letting me know they got my drawing Tatted it's such a huge honor an so flattering if anyone one else has gotten one please let me know.
ReplyDeleteplease put this on a shirt and sell it!!
ReplyDeleteI should & I HAVE!
Hey Adam. I saw your amazing drawing about a year ago and got it Tatted on my left arm! I admire your great talent. Peace and love from Denmark!
Wow man thanks for sharing it came out great!!!!! And thanks for the kind words you sir have made my day.
DeleteI have the same tattoo, i made it 2 years ago. Thank you and greetings from Spain :)
Woooot that's awesome man. Yeah Spain! As far as I know that's a new Content for my work. Anyway thanks man looks great!
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ReplyDeletehey adam. do you think you might be able to do something very similar to this for a band logo?
ReplyDeleteCurious if you've ever seen the Emek 2014 Cochella poster?
ReplyDeleteHi I've recently done a version of your drawing myself, and added a bit too it I was just wondering if it would be okay to have it produced into a hat pin?